Terms of Service

IMPORTANT: The Platform is not appropriate for, and you must not use or rely upon it in relation to, any critical, emergency or acute care medical circumstances. If you experience any medical emergency you must contact 000 and seek urgent medical assistance.


  • 1.1. By visiting the Website and/or registering as a Patient, you accept these terms and conditions as amended from time to time, and agree to be bound by them. By visiting the Website and/or registering as a Patient, an 'Agreement' is formed between us and you on these terms and conditions which will enable you to use the Platform.
  • 1.2. Your use of the Platform is at our discretion and we have the right to cancel your registration as a Patient and terminate this Agreement for any reason.


  • 2.1. You may, at any time, by written notice to us, terminate this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, and we will delete your account.
  • 2.2. We may, at any time, by notice to you, temporarily, or indefinitely, suspend or terminate your right to use the Platform, if any one of more of the following applies:
    • (a) such suspension or termination is required for the maintenance (including preventative and routine maintenance), support, operation or security of the Platform;
    • (b) we believe that you are in breach of any provision of this Agreement;
    • (c) we believe that you have engaged in any conduct which may bring us or any of the Practitioners or other service providers, or the Platform, into disrepute; or
    • (d) your telephone, internet, electronic email facilities and any other device systems are not adequate and do not meet the necessary minimum requirements for you to use the Platform.
  • 2.3. At the end of this Agreement:
    • (a) you must pay us any outstanding fees or moneys due to us by you;
    • (b) the licence set out in clause 4.1 will cease and you must cease to access and use the Platform;
    • (c) clauses 6 (Fees and Payments), 9 (Intellectual Property), 10 (Privacy), 11 (Warranties and Liability), 12 (Indemnity) and 2.3 (Effect of Termination) continue; and
    • (d) accrued rights or remedies of either party are not affected.


  • 3.1. In accordance with this Agreement, we will provide and maintain the Platform as a means of enabling you to connect with Practitioners and access Consultations.
  • 3.2. We may also provide you with the ability to purchase products through the Platform.
  • 3.3. You acknowledge and agree that we are not a healthcare provider and we are not responsible for the provision of any health services to you. Our services are limited to those set out in clause 3.1 and we do not make any guarantees, claims or representations as to the suitability of the Platform or any Practitioner and their advice for your particular needs.
  • 3.4. The Practitioners who provide health services and advice during Consultations using the Platform are independent contractors who are not our employees, agents or officers and who do not act for or on behalf of us.
  • 3.5. The Platform may contain other content, products or services which are offered or provided by third parties (Third Party Content), links to Third Party Content (including but not limited to links to other websites) or advertisements which are related to Third Party Content.
  • 3.6. You acknowledge and agree that:
    • (a) we have no responsibility for the creation of any Third Party Content, including (but not limited to) any related products, practices, terms or policies;
    • (b) we are not responsible or liable in any way for any information contained on any linked third party website, including medical or clinical information; and
    • (c) we provide and operate the Platform only, and are not responsible for, or liable with respect to, the accuracy or completeness of any information or data which is provided or communicated to you by a Practitioner or through any Third Party Content.


  • 4.1. Upon registering as a Patient and creating a password, an account will be created for you. You may only hold one (1) account per Patient.
  • 4.2. Only persons over the age of 18 may register for an account as a Patient and enter into this Agreement with us. Where a Patient is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must register for an account and must be present at all Consultations with the Patient.
  • 4.3. Subject to clause 4.4, we grant to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non[1]sublicensable license to access and use the Platform on your devices for the sole purpose of submitting Booking Requests and having Consultations in accordance with this Agreement.
  • 4.4. You must only access and use the Platform in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You must not:
    • (a) decompile, delete, reverse engineer, modify, copy, reproduce, disassemble, adapt, translate, or create any derivative works of the Platform, or any Intellectual Property Rights, products, or services obtained from us in respect of the Platform; or
    • (b) disseminate, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, directly or indirectly sell, transfer, offer for sale, license, assign, rent, timeshare or sublicense any part of the Platform or any copies of the Platform.
  • 4.5. You are responsible for ensuring that your internet services, electronic mail facilities, and devices, and the operating systems you use, meet the system performance requirements published by us from time to time to enable you to access and use the Platform.
  • 4.6. We may at any time revoke access to your account or password has, or may have been, compromised. We may, from time to time, issue you with new login information. You must keep any login information secure and not disclose it to any other person.
  • 4.7. We are not obliged to provide replacement login information to you if we believe on reasonable grounds that you have failed to use responsible security practices in respect of the Platform.
  • 4.8. You must immediately inform us if you suspect that the security of your user ID or password has, or may have been, compromised, or if you suspect that there has been unauthorised access to the Platform.
  • 4.9. You must not disclose your login information, including your password, any other person.
  • 4.10. The Platform may be accessed and used throughout Australia. We make no representation that our Platform complies with the laws of any country outside of Australia. If you access the Platform outside Australia, you do so at your own risk.
  • 4.11. We may regularly update the features and functionality of the Platform for any reason, including to reflect developments in Laws, technology or changes in our business model and processes.
  • 4.12. In using the Platform you must not:
    • (a) vexatiously or frivolously submit Booking Requests or make Booking Requests and fail to take all reasonable steps to either attend that Consultation or provide reasonable notice of any cancellation;
    • (b) electronically record or publish the health advice provided to you within a Consultation;
    • (c) defame, harass, threaten, menace or offend any person; (d) interfere with any third party using the Platform;
    • (e) tamper with, or modify the Platform, or knowingly transmit viruses or other disabling features that may interfere with the operability and functionality of the Platform; or (f) contravene any applicable Laws, codes of conduct, requirements of relevant Governmental Agencies, rulings or standards.


  • 5.1. Once you have registered as a Patient and an account has been created, you may use the Platform to submit Booking Requests and access Consultations.
  • 5.2. You may submit a Booking Request for a Consultation with a Practitioner based upon their availability as notified on the Platform, upon which an appointment for the Consultation at the agreed date and time (Appointment) will be created. You will receive confirmation of the Appointment either:
    • (a) via an email from us containing a secure link to facilitate the Consultation; or
    • (b) through the Platform which is accessible to you having logged in using your user ID and password.
  • 5.3. Upon the creation of an Appointment:
    • (a) a legal contract will be formed for the provision of a Consultation by the Practitioner;
    • (b) you acknowledge that we are not a party to that contract and that we accept no liability in relation to the legal relationship created between you and the Practitioner via the use of the Platform; and
    • (c) you acknowledge that we do not process Medicare payments nor any claims for rebates for or on your behalf.
  • 5.4. We reserve the right to cancel any Booking Requests or Appointments prior to the date and time of the Consultation if your right to use the Platform has been suspended or terminated in accordance with clause 2.
  • 5.5. You must:
    • (a) answer all questions asked by us in relation to your account or your use of the Platform, or by any Practitioner in your Consultation or otherwise in connection with health services provided to you by the Practitioner through the Platform, accurately and completely;
    • (b) provide the Practitioner with any and all information which is relevant to the Consultation and the treatment being provided; and
    • (c) report any new symptoms or worsening of conditions occurring between Consultations to the Practitioner in your next Consultation. If you experience severe worsening of symptoms or conditions you must seek immediate medical attention. You acknowledge and agree that your compliance with this clause is essential for Practitioners to provide you with the most appropriate health care and advice for your circumstances.
  • 5.6. We may provide you with Appointment reminders through SMS messages, or by email via the Platform, however it is your responsibility to ensure you attend all Consultations on time. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of a portion of the Consultation Fees paid by you as set out in clause 7.


  • 6.1. You must pay the Consultation Fee via the Platform upon submitting a Booking Request, which we will collect on behalf of the Practitioner.
  • 6.2. Consultation Fees will be as specified on the Platform from time to time. The Consultation Fee applicable to your Consultation will be notified to you at the time of submitting a Booking Request.
  • 6.3. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all moneys payable under this Agreement are calculated without regard to taxes, duties or levies including GST.
  • 6.4. Despite any other provision in this Agreement, this clause 6 continues in force and effect for a period of six months from the date that termination or cessation (for any reason) of this Agreement takes effect.


  • 7.1. We may, from time to time, need to cancel or reschedule your Appointment. We may do so for any reason and will notify you by SMS message, email or via the Platform.
  • 7.2. Upon being notified of a cancellation or rescheduling of your Appointment, you may:
    • (a) reschedule the Appointment by submitting a new Booking Request, with the Consultation Fee already paid to be applied to the new Appointment; or
    • (b) accept the cancellation of the Appointment, and receive a full refund of the Consultation Fee.
  • 7.3. If you need to cancel an Appointment, you must notify us through the Platform.
  • 7.4. If an Appointment is cancelled by you in accordance with clause 7.3:
    • (a) 48 hours or more prior to the Appointment, you will receive a full refund of the Consultation Fee;
    • (b) between 24-48 hours prior to the Appointment, you will receive a refund of 50% of the Consultation Fee; or
    • (c) less than 24 hours prior to the Appointment, you will receive a refund of 25% of the Consultation Fee.
  • 7.5. You will not be entitled to any refund of the Consultation Fee where you do not attend a Consultation without providing us with any notice of cancellation.
  • 7.6. If you are 10 minutes or more late for an Appointment, the Practitioner may, in the Practitioner's absolute discretion:
    • (a) treat the Appointment as having been cancelled by you with no notice, in which case clause 7.5 will apply; or
    • (b) proceed with the Consultation, in which case clause 7.7 will apply.
  • 7.7. If you are less than 10 minutes late for an Appointment, or clause 7.6(b) applies, the Practitioner must provide the Consultation, but the Consultation will end at the agreed time and the entire duration of the Consultation will be shortened by the amount of time that you were late, unless otherwise agreed by the Practitioner.
  • 7.8. You agree that we have the right to set off any amounts owed or payable by us to you, including refunds, against any moneys owed by you to us.
  • 7.9. Any refunds provided to you will be made to the bank account or payment method used by you to pay the Consultation Fee.
  • 7.10. Where you are entitled to any refund under this Agreement, you may request that this refund be provided in the form of credit towards a future Consultation. We may grant this credit in our absolute discretion.


  • 8.1. If you have any feedback, concerns or complaints relating to the Platform or any Practitioner or Consultation, this can be submitted to us using the following contact details or as otherwise notified on the Platform: Telephone: 1300 422 693 Email: [email protected]
  • 8.2. Following the receipt of a complaint, you may be granted a refund of the Consultation Fee, subject to the investigation of the complaint by us and our discussions with the relevant Practitioner(s).
  • 8.3. Nothing in this clause is intended to limit your rights at law in relation to the health services provided by, or the conduct of, any Practitioner.


  • 9.1. You acknowledge and agree that:
    • (a) as between the parties, and without regard to the ownership rights of third parties, our right, title, and interest in and to the software, trade marks and any other Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Platform, the Website, the Services (including all content and documentation located on the Platform and Website) and any branding associated with the Platform, the Website, the Services and our business (including any goodwill or other benefits accruing from your use of the above software, trade marks and other Intellectual Property Rights), shall inure to our benefit; and
    • (b) we own the Intellectual Property Rights that comprise the Platform, the Services (including all content and documentation located on the Website) and the Website or sites on which the Platform is hosted.
  • 9.2. By entering, uploading or creating any information or content (Content) on the Platform, you:
    • (a) grant us a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide and transferable right and licence to use that Content in any way (including, without limitation, by reproducing, changing, and communicating that Content to any other person) and permit us to authorise any other person to do the same thing; and
    • (b) consent to any act or omission which would otherwise constitute an infringement of your moral rights, and if you add any Content in which any third party has moral rights, you must also ensure that the third party also consents in the same manner.
  • 9.3. You must not take any action, or cause any third party to take any action, challenge, contest or in any way impair the rights, title, interest and ownership rights set out in clause 9.1.
  • 9.4. Without limiting the generality of clause 9.1, we reserve the right to make modifications and upgrades to the Platform and the Website from time to time.


  • 10.1. In allowing you to use the Platform in accordance with this Agreement, we will comply with all Privacy Laws and our Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, which is available at: https://www.canwellaustralia.com.au/privacy.
  • 10.2. The Practitioner is responsible for creating a record of each Consultation in a record keeping facility available to the Practitioner (and other Practitioners) on the Platform. We will use reasonable commercial endeavours to ensure those records are properly stored and secured in accordance with our Privacy Policy and all applicable Laws.
  • 10.3. You acknowledge and agree that we may use information relating to you and your participation in, and use of the Platform for internal management, administration, analytical and evaluation purposes.
  • 10.4. You acknowledge and agree that we may de-identify the information referred to in clause 10.3, aggregate it with de-identified information of other Patients or users of the Platform, and use that de[1]identified and aggregated data to evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of the Services and Platform and commercialise and disclose this de-identified and aggregated data to any person.


  • 11.1. You acknowledge and agree that the Platform is provided to you on an 'as is' basis, and except for the conditions, warranties and guarantees described in clause 11.5, we exclude all terms, conditions, warranties and guarantees implied by custom, the general law or statute.
  • 11.2. We are not liable for the acts or omissions of any Practitioner, or for the information, advice or treatment provided or recommended by any Practitioner to you, including any medicines prescribed by a Practitioner.
  • 11.3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release us from all Claims which you have, now or later against us whether for personal injury (including death and disability) or otherwise, and whether occasioned by:
    • (a) negligence,
    • (b) breach of contract,
    • (c) breach of statutory duty or otherwise, suffered as a result of or in connection with your use of the Website or Platform.
  • 11.4. We will not be liable for any delay in the performance of or any failure to perform any of our obligations under this Agreement caused by any event which is beyond our reasonable control, including the failure, malfunction or unavailability or necessary telecommunications, data communications and/or computer services, power supply failure or shortages, acts or omissions of third parties (including service providers and network operators), acts of government or Government Agencies, or telecommunications network congestion.
  • 11.5. Any condition, warranty or guarantee that legislation applies to the supply by us to you of any goods or services under this Agreement is taken to be included in this Agreement, if that legislation renders void or prohibits contractual provisions which:
    • (a) exclude, restrict or modify; or
    • (b) have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying, the application of, exercise of a right conferred by, or any liability under, such condition, warranty or guarantee (Non-excludable Guarantee).
  • 11.6. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we limit our liability for any breach of any Non-excludable Guarantee, at our option to one or more of the following:
    • (a) in respect of the supply of goods:
      • (i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods;
      • (ii) the repair of the goods;
      • (iii) the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or
      • (iv) the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired;
    • (b) in respect of supply of services, the supplying of the services again, or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
  • 11.7. You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability to you in tort, contract or otherwise for any:
    • (a) loss of profits, opportunity, revenue, data, goodwill, business or anticipated savings, pure economic loss, loss of value of equipment, (other than cost of repair) or expectation loss; or
    • (b) indirect, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary loss or damage, even if such loss or damage was reasonably forseeable, arose naturally or was in the contemplation of the parties.
  • 11.8. Without in any way limiting any of this clause 11, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we do not make any warranty and/or representation that:
    • (a) the Platform or Services will meet your requirements, or will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free;
    • (b) the results that may be obtained from your use of the Platform or Services will be accurate or reliable; or
    • (c) the information or other material downloaded or obtained by you through the Platform or Services will meet your expectations or requirements.


  • 12.1. You must indemnify and defend us and our Personnel and hold us and our Personnel harmless (those indemnified) from any:
    • (a) loss or liability incurred by those indemnified;
    • (b) loss of or damage to property of those indemnified; or
    • (c) loss or expense incurred by those indemnified in dealing with any Claim against it including legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis and the cost of time spent, resources used or disbursements paid by those indemnified, arising from any breach of this Agreement by you.
  • 12.2. You agree that we will be taken to be acting as agent or trustee for and on behalf of those indemnified.


  • 13.1. If the whole or any part of any clause of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, it will be severed from this Agreement and will not affect the continued operation of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
  • 13.2. Both parties acknowledge that this Agreement is non-exclusive and either party is entitled to enter into agreements with third parties to provide similar services.
  • 13.3. We may amend this Agreement from time to time by providing notice on the Platform or as otherwise notified to you. By continuing to access the Website and/or the Platform after notification, you agree to be bound by such amendments.
  • 13.4. We may nominate any electronic means of giving you notice under this Agreement, in which case we may give you notices by using that electronic means. A notice given to you in this way is taken to be given on the business day after it is sent.
  • 13.5. This Agreement:
    • (a) accurately reflects the agreement between the parties as to their subject matter;
    • (b) records the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement; and
    • (c) supersedes all prior representations and agreements in connection with that subject matter.
  • 13.6. Our failure at any time to insist on your performance of any obligation under this Agreement is not a waiver of our right:
    • (a) to insist on performance of, or claim damages for breach of, that obligation unless we acknowledge in writing that the failure is a waiver; and
    • (b) at any other time to insist on performance of that or any other obligation under this Agreement.
  • 13.7. This Agreement does not create a relationship of employment, agency or partnership between the parties.
  • 13.8. We may, without the need to obtain your consent, transfer all or any part of our rights, interests, obligations or liabilities under this Agreement by assignment or by novation.
  • 13.9. We may subcontract the performance of the whole or any part of our obligations under this Agreement or any part of it.
  • 13.10. This Agreement is governed by the Laws and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction, of the courts of Queensland, Australia.


  • 14.1. In this Agreement: Agreement has the meaning ascribed to that term in clause 1.3 and includes any Annexures and other attachments. AHPRA means the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, including any of its National Boards where applicable. Appointment has the meaning given in clause 5.2. Booking Request means a request for a Consultation submitted by you using the Platform. Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday in Queensland, Australia. Business Hour means an hour in the period between 8am to 6pm on a Business Day. Claim means any cause of action, allegation, claim, demand, debt, liability, suit or proceeding of any nature howsoever arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent, or at law (including negligence), in equity, under statute or otherwise. Consultation means a health consultation provided to you by a Practitioner and facilitated using the Platform, which may involve health services, including but not limited to, advice and the prescription of Natural medicine. Consultation Fee means the fee payable by you upon submitting a Booking Request, in respect of receiving a Consultation. Governmental Agency means any government or any governmental, semi-governmental, administrative, fiscal or judicial body, department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency or entity. Intellectual Property Rights or IPR means all intellectual property rights, including all registered and unregistered rights in respect of copyright, designs, circuit layouts, trademarks, know-how, confidential information, patents, inventions, discoveries and domain names. Laws includes any requirement of any statute, rule, regulation, proclamation, order in council, ordinance or by law whether commonwealth, state, territorial or local. Patient means a patient who has created an account to use the Platform to submit Booking Requests and access Consultations. Personal Information means all information about a person that is 'personal information' as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which is collected or held by any of the parties in connection with this Agreement. Personnel of a party are the employees, officers, consultants, contractors, representatives and agents of the party. Platform means our Canwell proprietary mobile application and any other platforms or web-based technology that is hosted by us and provides a platform that enables Patients to connect with Practitioners to book and provide Consultations of which we give you notice from time to time. Practitioner means a health practitioner who is registered with AHPRA and who provides Consultations using the Platform. Privacy Laws means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and any other Laws that regulate the collection and use of Personal Information in Australia. Services means our services in connection with providing and maintaining the Platform. we, us, or derivatives of any of those terms, means Canwell Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 650 184 795) of 12 Billeroy Crt, The Gap, Queensland 4061. 2030750/6090599.5/18-07-2021 Website means the website at www.canwellaustralia.com.au on which the Platform may be accessed, or such other website as we notify you of from time to time. you, your or derivatives of any of those terms, means the any Patient or other user of the Website or Platform, and in the case of a Patient who is under 18 years of age, includes that patient's authorised carer, parent or guardian.
  • 14.2. All other words starting with a capital letter have the meaning ascribed to them in the Application.
  • 14.3. A reference to any legislation or statutory instrument or regulation in this Agreement is a reference to that legislation or statutory instrument or regulation as amended or replaced from time to time.
  • 14.4. No provision of this Agreement will be construed adversely to a party solely on the ground that the party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or that provision.
  • 14.5. If a party consists of more than 1 person, this Agreement binds each of them separately and any 2 or more of them jointly.
  • 14.6. An obligation, representation or warranty in favour of more than 1 person is for the benefit of them separately and jointly.
  • 14.7. A reference to dollars, is to Australian dollars.
  • 14.8. A party, which is a trustee, is bound both personally and in its capacity as a trustee.

Your Prescriptions Terms and Conditions

Notice re: Medical Emergencies

Medical emergency: If you have a medical emergency, please stop now and contact local emergency services.

If you are in Australia dial 000.

If you are overseas, and don't know who to call, we recommend you contact the Australian Government's 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305.

Use of our platform is subject to the following Terms and Conditions (Terms).

You agree to these Terms by acknowledging that you have read and understood them and have agreed to be bound by them when you open an account with us.

  1. Canwell Platform
    1. Who we are
      • We, Canwell Australia Pty Ltd, own and operate the Canwell digital health clinic(Platform).
      • The Platform facilitates confidential access to digital health services, including consultations with registered general practitioners (Partner Practitioners) and other registered health providers, such as nurses, pharmacists and pathology providers (Partner Providers).
    2. Canwell are not Practitioners
      • Canwell does not, itself, provide any medical or health services.
      • We do not employ any Partner Practitioner and we do not have a financial interest in any other healthcare provider with whom you may interact through the Platform.
      • Our Platform content and any communications you have with Canwell representatives do not constitute medical advice.
      • You should always obtain medical advice from a Partner Practitioner or your regular Practitioner to ensure any particular medication or treatment is suitable and safe for you.
    3. Scope of terms and conditions
      • These Terms and Conditions apply as between Canwell and users of the Platform.
      • Partner Practitioners and Partner Pharmacies who connect with users via the Platform have separate agreements with us which govern their use of the Platform and their respective relationships with us.
  2. Your Account
    1. Registration
      • To access the Platform, you must become a registered customer.
      • Each customer is allowed to create a maximum of one registered customer account (Account).
      • You must not register for an Account on behalf of anyone other than yourself.
    2. Age
      • All customers must be over the age of 18 years and must reside in Australia. If under 18, please contact 1300 422 693 with a guardian present.
    3. Password
      • All customers are required to create an Account password. It is your responsibility to keep your login credentials secure.
    4. Information from you
      • When you register and activate your Account, you will provide us with personal information such as your name, gender, email address, telephone number, date of birth and shipping address. This information will enable Partner Practitioners and Partner Pharmacies to respectively conduct their consultations and (if relevant) supply medications, to you,
      • We will handle all personal information we collect in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
      • It is your responsibility to ensure the Account information you provide is up to date and complete, and that you do not omit any information that a reasonable person would consider relevant to the services you seek through Platform.
      • You agree that all information that you provide to us, and to Partner Practitioners and Partner Pharmacies will be true and complete to the best of your knowledge and that you will not purposefully omit to provide any information that could reasonably be judged to be potentially relevant to Partner Practitioners and Partner Pharmacies in conducting their consultations or supplying medications to you.
      • It is your responsibility to advise your regular Practitioner of any medications Partner Practitioners have prescribed to you.
    5. Unauthorised use
      • If you suspect your Account has been subject to unauthorised use, you must immediately notify us and change your password. This is important so that your personal information remains secure.
  3. Cancellation or suspension
    • Canwell reserves the right to cancel or suspend your access to your Account without notice and at our sole discretion.
  1. Digital Consultations - Partner Practitioners
    1. Access

The Platform facilitates your access to healthcare services from Partner Practitioners. Canwell are not medical practitioners.

    1. Who is responsible for healthcare services received through Canwell?
      • Partner Practitioners are solely responsible for the healthcare services they provide to you, including compliance with standards of care, record keeping and other professional obligations and compliance with privacy law. We are not a party to the health professional-patient relationship between you and a Partner Practitioner.
      • We do not guarantee that a digital health consultation is the appropriate course of treatment for your particular healthcare problem. Your Partner Practitioner will be solely responsible for determining:
        • whether or not a digital consultation is appropriate;
        • whether or not to provide the medical and/or health services you request; and
        • what health services (if any) are required.
    2. Telehealth professional and ethical obligations

Partner Practitioners and Partner Pharmacies:

      • have professional and ethical obligations to telehealth patients, as they do with in-person consultations.
      • will make notes of their consultation with / supply of medications to you.

and it is their responsibility to maintain sufficient records relating to such consultations and supply as required by law.

    1. Medical condition changes or your symptoms worsen
      • You should contact your customary Practitioner immediately if your medical condition changes or your symptoms worsen.
      • If you require urgent care, you should contact your local emergency services immediately.
      • You undertake that if you suffer from any noticeable side-effects, you should either consult your customary Practitioner or contact us to facilitate a further consultation with a Partner Practitioner.
    2. Timeframe not guaranteed
      • Consultation requests made through the Platform will be forwarded to a Partner Practitioner as soon as possible.
      • However, due to the range of third party networks and innovative technology used for this transmission, we do not guarantee a time of arrival of any information provided by you or guarantee that such information will arrive at all.
    3. We can't guarantee a particular Practitioner

We do not guarantee that you will be able to consult with a particular Partner Practitioner, or that you will not receive a consultation with a particular Partner Practitioner.


    1. Canwell cannot guarantee that you will get a prescription

A consultation with a Partner Practitioner will not necessarily result in a prescription being issued or that the Partner Practitioner prescribing specific medication to you. Whether you receive a prescription depends on the independent, professional judgement of the Practitioner whom you see.

    1. Dispensing prescriptions

Any prescription issued by a Partner Practitioner will be dispensed by a Partner Pharmacist.

    1. Printed copies of prescriptions

A printable copy of your prescription is available on request through calling 1300 422 693.

    1. Sharing your information

Information that you provide to us about yourself, your health and your current medications may be viewed and exchanged electronically by us (and our personnel), Partner Practitioners and/or Partner Providers for the purpose of providing our services and any services you request through the Platform.

  1. Partner Pharmacies
    1. Canwell is not a pharmacy

We are not a pharmacy and do not dispense or supply any prescription or any medication.

    1. Partner Pharmacies

Through the Platform, you can request our Partner Pharmacist to dispense the medication prescribed to you. If you do so, your prescription will be provided to a Partner Pharmacist through the Platform.

    1. Types of orders

When you request a Partner Pharmacist to dispense a prescription to you (Order), a Partner Pharmacist will review your prescription and determine whether:

      • your prescription relates to an ongoing course of medication (Repeat Order);
      • your prescription relates to a single order of medication (Single Order); and
      • to dispense the first course of a Repeat Order (or the Single Order).
    1. Pharmacy discretion to refuse to dispense
      • Each repeat of a prescription are dispensed entirely at the discretion of the pharmacists(Partner Pharmacist).
      • A Partner Pharmacist may refuse to dispense any prescription for any reason.
      • If a Partner Pharmacist refuses to dispense your prescription, you will be notified through the Platform.
    2. Repeat orders

If your prescription can be dispensed as a Repeat Order:

      • repeats of your prescription will be automatically dispensed in accordance with the terms and dosing recommendations of that prescription;
      • you may pause or cancel your Repeat Order at any time;
      • we will notify you when no further repeats of your prescription remain; and
      • your Repeat Order will automatically cease when you have no further repeats of your prescription.
    1. Permission to contact your healthcare provider

We and/or a Partner Pharmacist may contact the healthcare provider who issued your prescription in relation to that prescription. You consent to such contact by using the Platform.

    1. Delivery of medicine
      • If your prescription is dispensed, your medication will be delivered by our delivery partners.
      • Delivery times by our delivery partners differ, depending on your shipping address.
      • You are responsible for ensuring that you have appropriate arrangements in place to accept delivery of your medication.
      • We are not responsible for the failure of our delivery partners to deliver medicines to the correct address, the method of delivery used by our delivery partners or their failure to deliver medicines within any particular timeframe.
    2. Medication damaged, wrongly dispensed or delivery is delayed,

In the event your medication appears to be damaged, wrongly dispensed or delivery is delayed, you should contact us through the Platform to seek advice.

  1. Platform information - Cautionary Note:
      • The information on our Platform is not comprehensive and is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered.
      • While we take reasonable care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on our Platform, to the extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, we make no warranty regarding the information on this Platform.
      • You should monitor any changes to the information contained on this Platform.
      • We may, from time to time and upon notice to you, change or add to the Platform (including the Terms) or the information, products or services described in it. However, we do not undertake to keep the Platform updated. To the extent permitted by law, we are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on the Platform or if that information is not up-to-date.
  2. Fair use of the Platform
    1. Prohibited actions
      • You must not use the Platform for any purpose other than to access the digital health services facilitated by the Platform.
      • You must not upload or transmit information to the Platform that you do not have rights to, contains personal information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988) about another person, is likely to be offensive, is misleading or deceptive, or contains financial, legal or other professional advice.
      • You must not, and must not assist anyone else to, use automated or large scale processes or methods (including data scraping, web-bots, collection or accumulation tool, robot, spider or scripted responses) for obtaining, appropriating, using, copying, distributing, reconfiguring, republishing or repacking the data contained on our Platform.
      • You must not, and must not assist anyone else to, obtain or attempt to obtain information about the systems and software used by the Platform.
      • You must not do anything that could damage or interfere with the operation of the Platform.
    2. Respectful communication

You must communicate with our personnel, Partner Practitioners and Partner Providers in a respectful manner. No abusive behaviour or foul language will be tolerated.

    1. No commercial use

This Platform is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Content, software, products or services contained within this Platform. You may not use this Platform, or any of its Content, to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your own website.

    1. Security
      • You agree that you will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any device that you use to set up or access your Account is suitably protected from potential hazards by firewalls, anti-virus software and other such security applications.
      • We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with the use of this Platform or a linked website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from our Platform is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.
  1. Your responsibilities
    1. Information accurate

You agree to provide all information requested by us, Partner Practitioners and Partner Providers and warrant that all information which you provide is true and fully complete.

    1. Side-effects and other relevant information

You must inform and keep your Partner Practitioner informed of any side effects or other issues arising from any treatment prescribed by that Partner Practitioner through the Platform.

    1. Informing other medical practitioners

You agree to inform any other Practitioner or healthcare provider the treatment and medical advice (including any advice about medication prescribed to you) you receive from a Partner Practitioner and about any medication prescribed (and/or taken) by that Partner Practitioner.

    1. Medical product information

If a Partner Practitioner prescribes any medication, you must carefully read all information provided to you in relation to that medication (including information provided on the product packaging, patient information supplied with the medication, online material provided through the Platform (including by a Partner Pharmacist) and the manufacturer's Consumer Medical information leaflet).

    1. Follow advice

You must follow any advice provided to you by your Partner Practitioner and/or Partner Pharmacist in relation to taking any medication prescribed to you.

    1. Ensure you understand questions about you

If you do not understand any question asked in our questionnaire (on the Platform) or any advice given by a Partner Practitioner and/or Partner Provider, you should seek clarification immediately

    1. No recording of consultations unless Practitioner agrees

You agree you will not record video consultations unless you receive explicit written consent from the Partner Practitioner

  1. Fees
    1. Currency

All charges and prices as shown listed are in Australian Dollars and are inclusive of GST (if applicable) and shipping costs (if applicable).

    1. Consultation fees
      • When you request a Partner Practitioner to provide medical services through the Platform, you will be required to pay a consultation fee to that Partner Practitioner.
      • Through the Platform, we collect that consultation fee on behalf of the Partner Practitioner.
    2. No Medicare Rebates

Digital health services provided by a Partner Practitioner through the Platform are not covered under Medicare Australia, no Medicare rebate is available and bulk billing is not offered.

    1. Payment for medications ordered through Platform
      • When you make an Order for medication through the Platform, you will be required to pay for the medication the subject of that Order when you make the Order.
      • You expressly authorise Canwell to process the payment for the subscription price via your relevant payment method at the time a checkout is completed.
    2. Repeat Orders

When you make a Repeat Order:

      • you will be charged for the first dispensation of the medication when you make that Order;
      • you will be charged on each repeat dispensation of the medication when that repeat is dispensed.
    1. NO PBS Benefits

There are no PBS benefits available for any prescriptions dispensed by a Partner Pharmacist through the Platform.

  1. Refunds
    1. We will pass on requests

If you request a refund, we will process that refund on behalf of the Partner Practitioner and/or Partner Pharmacist. We are not liable for the refund.

    1. Refunds for consultations
      • Refunds of consultation fees paid to a Partner Practitioner will only be refunded to you if the Partner Practitioner determines that:
        • a digital consultation is not appropriate for your specific condition; or
        • if there is a technological failure that prevents an effective consultation between you and your Partner Practitioner.
    2. Cancelling video consultation less than two hours prior to the scheduled consultation time

No refund of consultation fees paid by you to a Partner Practitioner will be given if you have scheduled a video consultation with a Partner Practitioner and you cancel that video consultation less than two hours prior to the scheduled consultation time.

    1. Refunds from Partner Pharmacies

Subject to rights that cannot be waived under Australian Consumer Law, the cost of any medication that you order from a Partner Pharmacist through the Platform can only be refunded when:

      • you let us know you would like to cancel your Order and the medication has not yet been dispatched to you by that Partner Pharmacist;
      • the Partner Pharmacist is unable to dispense your Order; or
      • a product or pricing error is identified (and only to the extent that the error has caused you to be charged more than you ought to have been charged).
    1. No refunds after despatch

Refunds are not permitted by our Partner Pharmacists for medication once they have been dispatched.

    1. How refunds are made
      • Refunds can only be made back to the payment method and credit card used for the original charge.
      • Refunds may take up to five working days to be processed and appear in your card statement.
  1. Limitation of Liability
    1. Exclusion of warranties and representations

We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to:

      • the content of any consultation between you and our Partner Practitioners or Partner Pharmacies or the content of any advice a Partner Pharmacist may provide to you as part of a Pharmacy supplying medications to you;
      • the merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights of the Platform or any medical or health related matter; or
      • any treatment, information, advice or action relied on or followed by you;
      • any treatment, information, advice or action relied on or followed by you;
      • that the Platform will be available without interruption, error-free or free from viruses or other things that may interfere with the normal operations of your system.
    1. Limitation

To the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability will be limited to:

      • where the Australian Consumer Law applies, to providing the Platform again (or the cost of having the Platform provided); and
      • where the Australian Consumer Law does not apply, no liability.
    1. Release

You forever release, discharge and indemnify (and hold us harmless) from and in relation to all liability with respect to any matter concerning the health and medical services facilitated through the Platform, including information provided to you about those health and medical services.

    1. Data

We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the transmission of data as may occur during your use of the Platform.

    1. Not liable for acts or omissions of Partner Practitioners or Partner Providers

We will not be liable for any loss, damage, expense or claim arising from damage, loss, injury or death caused directly or indirectly by a Partner Practitioner and/or Partner Provider and you forever release, discharge and indemnify (and hold us harmless) from and in relation to any claim arising from any of those circumstances.

    1. Failing to provide true or fully complete information or failing to comply with any of your obligations
      • Neither we nor any Partner Practitioner or Partner Provider (whose benefits hereunder we hold for them as trustee) are responsible for loss or damage arising due to you failing to provide true or fully complete information or failing to comply with any of your obligations under these Terms.
      • We will not be liable for any loss or damage which arise from your failure to inform any other healthcare provider about treatment you receive from a Partner Practitioner through the Platform.
  1. Privacy
      • When you use the Platform, you will be required to provide us with certain health and personal information.
      • Our use and disclosure of that information is governed by our Privacy Policy which can be found at https://www.canwell.com.au/privacy.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights
      • Unless otherwise indicated, we own or license from third parties all rights, title and interest (including copyright, designs, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights) in this Platform and in all of the material (including all text, graphics, logos, audio and software) made available on this Platform (Content).
      • Your use of this Platform and use of and access to any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title or interest to you in relation to this Platform or the Content. However we do grant you a licence to access the Platform and view the Content on the terms and conditions set out in this agreement and, where applicable, as expressly authorised by us and/or our third party licensors.
      • Any reproduction or redistribution of this Platform or the Content is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties. In addition, you must not copy the Content to any other server or location, and support for publication, reproduction or distribution is expressly prohibited.
      • All other use, copying or reproduction of this Platform, the Content or any part of it is prohibited, except to the extent permitted by law.
  3. General
    1. Cookies
      • A cookie is a small text file stored in your computer's memory or on your hard disk for a pre-defined period of time. We use cookies to identify specific machines in order to collect aggregate information on how visitors experience this Platform. This information will help to better adapt this Platform to suit personal requirements. We may use third-party vendors to show our ads on sites on the Internet and serve these ads based on a user's prior visits to our Platform. We may also use analytics data supplied by these vendors to inform and optimise our ad campaigns based on your prior visits to our Platform.
      • While cookies allow a computer to be identified, they do not contain personal information about a specific individual. For information on cookie settings of your internet browser, please refer to your browser's manual.
    2. Linked sites

Our Platform may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the content on those linked websites and have no control over or rights in those linked websites.

    1. Terms may change

We reserve the right to modify these Terms without notice. Your continued use of the Platform after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of these Terms as modified.

    1. Own risk

The Platform is provided on an "as is" basis and used by you solely at your own risk. We may, at any time, withdraw, suspend or discontinue any functionality or feature of the Platform.

    1. Ownership of platform and content
      • The Platform and the content (excluding any content uploaded by you) within the Platform are our property or the property of our suppliers and remain the property of us (or our suppliers).
      • You must not reproduce, transmit, adapt, distribute, sell, modify, publish or store content on the Platform (other than content uploaded by you) for any purpose other than with our prior written consent.
    2. Severability

If any of these terms are held to be invalid or unenforceable, then the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected.

    1. Governing law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Queensland. Each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts exercising jurisdiction there (and courts hearing appeals from them) in connection with all matters concerning these Terms.